At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed and/or digital passport, citizenship, immigration and visa photos to the specifications as required by the accepting agency of your country.
I have 280+ formats from over 101 countries, which are constantly monitored and updated when needed. Most passport photos are taken in front of a white or blue background, as required by most governments’ specifications. The final image will have a white, light gray, gray or blue (light or dark) background as requirements varies per country.
Some countries have specific requirements on the subject’s clothing and background depending on their complexion. Please also check with your government, as rules and specifications can change at any time. Feel free to bring your current specifications with you to your appointment.
At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed Canadian passport, citizenship, VISA and permanent resident photos.
Canadian passports photos are 50 mm wide X 70 mm high (2 inches wide X 2 3/4 inches long) and sized so the height of the face measures between 31 mm (1 1/4 inches) and 36 mm (1 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head).
Please note that the passport photos have different specifications for their intended purpose.
The Canadian passport photos will be confirming the very strict specifications and have my business stamp and date on the back of one photo, as required by the Canadian Government. My signature is no longer required.
I have the two different business stamps that are required for each passport photo type.
My business stamp includes the text:
“I certify this to be a true likeness of (applicant’s name)”
Your guarantor clearly writes your name and sign his or her name. (Unless you are applying to renew a passport, as no guarantor is necessary for renewals) Rules and specifications can change any time, so please check with the Canadian government agency.
The best results are obtained to write with a fine sharpie permanent marker.
Below is my stamp for the Canadian passport photo.
Below is my stamp for the Canadian permanent resident photo.
Useful links:
Website: Government of Canada
Website: Passport Photos
Website: Permanent resident photos
Website: Temporary Resident Visa photos
Download: Adult passport application
Download: Child passport application
Photo samples:
Permanent resident
At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed Cuban passport and visa photos.
It’s important to note that the requirements for Cuban passport photos and visa photos may vary depending on the location and type of application. For example, some Cuban embassies or consulates may have specific guidelines for photo quality or background color. Therefore, it’s important to carefully review the requirements for your specific application and to follow them closely.
Cuban passport and visa photos are available in 35 x 45 mm, 45 x 45 mm and 50 x 50 mm.
Useful links:
Website: Passport photo requirements
Website: Cuba visa types
Photo sample:
At PassportPhotoRVA, I can provide you with printed passport and visa photos that confirm to the specifications set by the government of Jamaica.
Please read these instructions as they are strictly enforced by the government of Jamaica:
Two (2) passport sized photographs certified by a Consular Officer, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public Commissioner of Oaths, Medical Doctor or Lawyer. The name of the applicant along with the name, number and signature of the certifying officer should be included. Certification should not be older than six (6) months. Photographs must be dated.
Useful links:
Website: Jamaica Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency
Website: Passport photo requirements
Download: Passport application forms
Photo sample:
At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed Mexican passport, filiación and visa photos.
Mexican photos come in 3 sizes depending on the purpose:
passport 35 x 45 mm
visa 31 x 39 mm
filiación 35 x 50 mm
Useful links:
Website: Passport information
Website: Mexican visa information
Photo sample:
At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed and digital USA passport, citizenship, USCIS student OPT, immigration and DV lottery green card photos to the specifications as required by the accepting agency.
Printed passports photos are 2 x 2 inches (50 x 50 mm), sized such that your head is centered and between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (between 25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. On digital photos your head should be between 50% and 69% of the image’s total height from the top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin.
Uniforms, clothing that looks like a uniform, and camouflage attire cannot be worn in the photo except in the case of religious attire that is worn daily.
You may wear a hat or head covering, but you must submit a signed statement that verifies that the hat or head covering is part of recognized, traditional religious attire that is customarily or required to be worn continuously in public or a signed doctor’s statement verifying the item is used daily for medical purposes. Your full face must be visible, and your hat or head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face.
For writing on the back of your photos, the best results are obtained to write with a fine sharpie permanent marker.
VCU OPT students:
Henrico Photo is proud to be a preferred passport photographer for VCU OPT students. I gladly provide you with the digital passport photos, and I will do a soft upload in my studio with USCIS, while you wait, to check and make sure the digital photo will be accepted. If for some odd reason you encounter an issue with your passport photos, rest assure I guarantee my photos to pass.
Rules are slightly different, with the most important one the 1-month validity of the passport photo, and head covering rules.
For more info, please visit: VCU Global Education Office
Useful links:
Website: US. passports
Website: US. immigrations (visa)
Website: US. immigrations digital photo tool(USCIS)
Download: Application for US adult passport
Download: Application for US minor passport
Photo samples:
At PassportPhotoRVA, I provide you with printed and digital …
Printed passports photos are …
Useful links:
Website: US. passports
Website: US. immigrations (visa)
Website: US. immigrations digital photo tool(USCIS)
Download: Application for US adult passport
Download: Application for US minor passport
Photo samples: